Renaissance Faire

Fun at the Faire
Just a taste of things to do and characters you'll meet at the Faire!
Dice Knight Adventures
Get ready for the ultimate Renaissance Faire RPG experience! Step into the world of Dice Knight Adventures and embark on a quest like never before. Form a party or go solo to complete missions and grow in power, all while exploring the faire in search of quests, items, and people.
Gus the Gnome
Meet Gus, our Gnome of Unusual Size! You may find him if you follow a trail of toadstools...

The Proving Grounds
Test your skills at Archery, Axe-throwing, and Dagger-tossing. Or challenge your friends or our knight in FIGHT-THE-KNIGHT!
Thom Fuewellery
Thom Fuewellery is a “classically-trained” purveyor of the Bardic arts, hailing all the way from a place and time so distant, even he can’t remember. A half half-elf, half half-dwarf bard from afar, Thom Fuewellery sets out to entertain the masses with song and silliness and a wit sharper than most grocery store brand cheeses.

Tile Making
Learn about the history of TileWorks as a tile factory and make a tile of your own!